Thursday, December 27, 2012

2012 slideshow

2012 year through my lens(es); almost all of the pictires are B&Ws; bye-bye color...


Selected 2012, a set on Flickr.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Last week of December


Dry residue of the last week's wandering in the streets of Little Havana and Downtown with Olympus Stylus P&S:

Monday, December 17, 2012

Curious case of double exposure

Here, pictured in the uncut grass of my backyard, sits Brownie camera I received last February from *bay seller. It is ancient No 2A model from the early 20s. This very simple box camera has one speed rotary-type shutter and 3 Waterstop apertures...that's it. I bought is because there was a roll of exposed film inside. The film turned out to be a 116 Kodak Verichrome Pan. Now, Verichrome Pan is later film, went on sale in mid-50s. It is also known for preserving the latent image very well. So, 4 minutes in very cold and very active developer and...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Calle Ocho Photo Walk

I will be leading the photowalk at Calle Ocho in Little Havana this Saturday Dec 8th 2012. The photowalk is one of the key events of the fast approaching Miami Street Photography Festival. This is a post for those of you who decided to participate in the event: